Assisting customers to achieve the right look and outfit is one way a clothing store can build a business relationship with its customer. In the long run, this can lead to customer loyalty because there are customers who have no idea what to wear for business meetings, corporate events, dress-down Fridays. This article will give resellers ideas on what to suggest to clients when it comes to business and corporate dressing.
Formal Business Attire –For the woman of today, this equates to “power dressing.” By power dressing, a woman should have pairs of business suits that constitute of a matched skirt and jacket or pantsuits (matched pants and blazer).
Wholesale women’s clothing resellers should, therefore, stock on wholesale pencil skirts, wholesale blazers, and wholesale pantsuits. While black is the standard color women choose, other colors such as navy blue, green, and red are also acceptable. Light colors on wholesale women’s clothing for formal business attires can also be worn as long as they are worn in monochromatic outfits.

Corporate Casual Look – This is the typical day-to-day look of today’s career woman. It means “smart business” and it doesn’t translate to everything from shorts to sundresses. It is never suitable to wear wholesale tees and wholesale denim clothing in the workplace, unless it is a very casual work environment.
Wholesale women’s clothing resellers should suggest wholesale dresses, wholesale blouses, wholesale cardigans, and wholesale skirts that are corporate casual.

Dress-down Fridays – Fridays (or sometimes Wednesdays) are often the days assigned so employees can wear casual outfits. This can either be a “company logo and jeans”-day or simply anything casual.
Fore wholesale women’s clothing resellers, the best dress-down Friday looks include wholesale jeans, wholesale woven tops, wholesale printed dresses, and wholesale tunic tops. Wholesale maxi dresses and strapless tops and blouses are still unacceptable, however.